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10% of US homes have leaks. They waste up to 90 gallons of water per day and 10,000 gallons per year.

One of the most common types is a leaking faucet. Identifying the source isn’t always easy, even if you can see it and hear its annoying noise.

Knowing what to look for helps prevent plumbing emergencies. It can also save you 10% on your water bill every month.

Read on for three signs of a leaky faucet and how to find plumbing services to fix it.

1. Damaged Components

Most faucet problems start from the inside. These fixtures have several moving parts that all need to work together. If they don’t, it’s like an orchestra with a player out of tune.

Does your leaky faucet have a steady drip from the tap? This may be a sign that you need to replace the washer. They become worn down by rubbing against the valve seat. The cartridge has a similar function and can also get worn out.

Compression faucets have seals that deteriorate over time. This causes them to hold back water pressure when they’re not in use. Make sure they’re clean and functional so that water can come through and won’t leak out.

The O-ring is what helps keep them in place. It also needs to stay clean and may need to be replaced if it’s worn out.

Component problems require cleaning, professional faucet repairs, or both. The leak should stop once all the parts are in working order again.

2. Sediment Buildup and Corrosion

A water filtration system can remove much of the sediment that builds up in your water supply. The materials that it doesn’t catch can build up in your faucet.

It accumulates around areas such as the valve seat or the inlet and outlet seals. They’ll become corroded if there’s enough of it. This causes leaks right around the faucet’s spout.

The best way to prevent this is regular maintenance. Clean out any sediment from around the valve seat before it builds up.

3. Water Pressure Issues

Improper water pressure is one of the most common plumbing problems. It’s also a key sign of leaks.

The ideal range is between 40 and 60 psi. If it’s too high, water gets backed up and can’t be released properly.

This may cause you to have a leaky faucet at specific times of the day or while using other fixtures or faucets. The problem starts small but only gets worse over time. Don’t hesitate to call for plumbing repairs.

How to Fix a Leaky Faucet

A leaky faucet is one of the most common, annoying, and expensive plumbing problems homeowners face. There are several signs that you may be experiencing it.

The faucet’s internal components could be dirty or failing. Built-up sediment may have corroded the valve seat or inlet and outlet seals. High water pressure may be preventing water from moving through properly.

Finding the cause of a leaky faucet and fixing it requires the help of licensed, bonded professionals. Contact Olympic Plumbing Technology for plumbing services in Lacey, WA.
